Wills & Estates


Preparing a Will is an important step in your estate planning and management of your financial affairs. An experienced Wills and Estate lawyer can assist you with drafting a valid Will that will accurately reflect your wishes, and can assist you with minimizing taxes and fees upon your death. If you die without a Will, the distribution of your estate will be governed by the provisions of the Succession Law Reform Act (Ontario). Barsuk Law has extensive experience in drafting simple and complex Wills. We work closely with your accountant and financial adviser to achieve the optimal estate plan. We offer individual attention to each client and provide advice and services that go above and beyond those provided by other Wills and Estate lawyers and firms.

We also recommend that Wills be reviewed by an experienced Wills and Estate lawyer upon occurrence of a major life event like marriage, birth/adoption of your child, separation/divorce or death of a family member. A Will is revoked by marriage unless such Will is made specifically in contemplation of marriage; however, a divorce does not have the same effect. We also recommend that you look at your Will every 5 years as your relationships and your life changes. For further information regarding Wills and estates matters, please contact us at 416-619-0916.

We strongly encourage that Powers of Attorney are prepared and executed together with your Will. Your Power of Attorney for Property ensures that the person you trust is making decisions on your behalf when you are incapacitated or unable to make such decisions due to travel. Your Power of Attorney for Personal Care gives power to a trusted individual to make all medical treatment and care decisions on your behalf and in some instances sets out your wishes to alleviates the decision making burden from your loved ones in critical circumstances.

We operate efficiently and keep our overhead to a minimum to offer our clients competitive rates. We do not play games with your money, there are no hidden costs or charges. The initial consultation is always FREE. Contact us today for our affordable rates.